Oh, Mr. Porter!: Will Hay, Moore Marriott and Graham Moffatt (1937 Movie)
DVD: www.amazon.com thefilmarchived.blogspot.com Oh, Mr Porter! is a British comedy film released in 1937 starring Will Hay with Moore Marriott and Graham Moffatt and directed by Marcel Varnel. While not his most commercially successful, it is probably his best-known film to modern audiences. It is widely acclaimed as the best of Hay's work, and a classic of its time and genre. The plot of Oh, Mr Porter was loosely based on the Arnold Ridley play The Ghost Train and was later remade (with a naval setting) as Up the Creek (1958) with David Tomlinson and Peter Sellers. The title was taken from Oh! Mr Porter, a music hall song. Jimmy Perry said that the triumvirate of Captain Mainwaring, Corporal Jones and Private Pike in Dad's Army was inspired by watching Oh, Mr Porter. Cast * Will Hay as William Porter * Moore Marriott as Jeremiah Harbottle * Graham Moffatt as Albert Brown * Percy Walsh as Superintendent * Dave O'Toole as Postman * Sebastian Smith as Mr Trimbletow * Agnes Laughlan as Mrs Trimbletow * Dennis Wyndham as Grogan * Frederick Piper as Ledbetter * Frederick Lloyd as Minister * The scene in which Porter travels to Buggleskelly by bus, whilst being warned of a terrible danger by locals, parodies that of the Tod Browning film, Dracula (1931) * No actual filming was done in Northern Ireland - the railway station used in filming was the disused Cliddesden railway station on the Basingstoke and Alton Light Railway, which had closed to goods in 1936. Filming took place <b>...</b>
青エクって最終回は10月なんですよね? みなさんどう思いますか?[エンターテインメントと趣味>アニメ、コミック>アニメ]
青エクって最終回は10月なんですよね? みなさんどう思いますか?
青エクって第1期は何話まで、何日まで放送予定でしょうか? 回答よろしくお願いし[エンターテインメントと趣味>アニメ、コミック>アニメ]
青エクって第1期は何話まで、何日まで放送予定でしょうか? 回答よろしくお願いします。
アニメの話なのですが、面白いものはありますか?すきなアニメは デュラララ・会長[エンターテインメントと趣味>アニメ、コミック>アニメ]
アニメの話なのですが、面白いものはありますか?すきなアニメは デュラララ・会長はメイド様・S・A(スペシャル・エー)・とあるシリーズ・青エク などです・条件てきには、絵がかわいいケレバほぼオッケーですw